Westlake Fishing

General Information
Fishing is a favorite pastime for young and old here on the lake. Our waters contain Largemouth Bass, Channel Catfish, Bluegill Sunfish, and a minnow-sized critter known as a Silverside. Largemouth Bass (Micropterus Salmoides) is the dominant fish in our lake and one of the nation’s most prized game fish. We take special care to protect our wonderful fishery by limiting fishing to barbless hooks, artificial bait only and a strict catch and release policy. Fish caught in their boney mouth area and quickly released back to the water suffer no ill effects from the experience.

Westlake Lake is private and fishing is open to only those who display a current WLMA fishing badge. Property owners and residents in the Westlake Community may apply for a WLMA fishing badge, and they may also apply for guest fishing badges for others under their respective supervision. For contact details contact the WLMA office.

Also be advised that though Westlake Lake is a private lake, the California State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife under law requires you to have possession of a state fishing license, in addition to WLMA requiring its own fishing badge, in order to fish at Westlake Lake.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a fishing permit badge to fish from my dock?
Yes. All fishing requires a license. Apply Here
Do I have to have a license for guests who visit?
Yes. You may purchase an annual guest badge. An owner must be with the guest at all times while fishing.
How long is my fishing permit badge good for?
Permit badges are valid for the calendar year. Your permit badge expires on Dec. 31st regardless of when it was purchased.
Can I fish any time I want if I have a fishing permit badge?
Fishing is permitted 365 days a year from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset.
Do I need to display my fishing permit badge each time I fish?
Yes, your fishing permit badge should be clearly displayed when fishing. You are required to cooperate with the Lake Patrol at all times.
Do I get a break on the fishing because I'm a senior?
Yes. There is a reduced fee for seniors aged 65 and older.
What should I do if I accidentally damage a docked boat or catch my hook in the canvas cover of another boat?
Notify the boat owner immediately. If this is not possible jot down the boat number and leave your name with the WLMA Onsite Office.
Can I use bait such as cut up frozen mackerel?
No. Even dead bait is prohibited. Only artificial lures and flies may be used.
Do my kids need a fishing permit badge?
Yes. Kids under 12 years of age are free but must still display a permit badge while fishing.
Why do I need a California fishing license if this is a private lake?
By law the California State Dept. of Fish and Game regulates fishing on all bodies of water in the state, public and private. You must follow all state regulations or you may be subject to fines, even though our lake is private.
Do I have to buy all new barbless lures?
No. You may pinch the barbs down on your lures & flies with a pair of needle nosed pliers.